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Neil Patel

22 Tips For Creating Great Content When You Don’t Have a Clue

One of the challenges you have as a content marketer is continually creating new content. You likely don’t have the luxury of running a content site like Huffington Post or Buzzfeed, where you’re free to write anything from cat memes to particle physics. You’re a content marketer, and you need to produce content that your audience (and customers) would search for and enjoy. You have to stay disciplined in your content, as you can only stay within a certain range of topics.

Fortunately, you don’t have to be stuck staring at a blinking text cursor, hoping a great topic will magically strike us. There are lots of tips you can use to help give you ideas on what content to create.

One of the most common ways is to create content that is centered around news in your industry. For instance, when Twitter announced scheduled tweets we wrote an article about what it means for marketers.

If you’re in an active industry like technology, there is always something to write about. Just today Twitter announced a new advertising product called Promoted Video. As a marketing blog, we could write about how marketers can use this to your advantage.

Today’s infographic comes to us from Copyblogger. It gives us 22 ideas for creating content when we don’t have any idea what to write. If you’re ever stuck, come back to the infographic, find an idea that appeals to you and go forward creating.

Like this infographic? Get more content marketing tips from Copyblogger.

How do you find topics to write about? Let us know in the comments!

About the Author: Zach Bulygo (Twitter) likes marketing, finance, and learning about different businesses.

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