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Neil Patel

The Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Powerful Headlines

If you want your blog posts or copy to perform well, you have to create a magnetic headline. Just look at the KISSmetrics headline. By tweaking it, I increased the conversion rate by 40%.

Indeed, a catchy headline is your entry into your reader and potential customer’s world–and that’s a very busy space they occupy.

In this article, I’m going to share a step-by-step process to get you writing not just one good headline after another but consistently great headlines. No matter your content type, and no matter if you’re writing a list post or an in-depth article, a powerful and attractive headline is waiting to be had.

With these headline writing tips, I’ll also show you how to capture attention immediately and compel readers to stop in their tracks.

This is fundamental, because, according to Copyblogger, 80% of your visitors will read your headline – but only 20% will go on to finish the article.

In other words, a great headline isn’t just something you wish you could create. It’s crucial. Game changing, you could say.

And bad headlines can cause your content marketing to fail.

And with these headline writing tips, I’ll show you how even the smallest tweak can make an enormous impact on the catchiness of your title.

For example, one recent study, conducted by Content Marketing Institute, found that including a hyphen or colon in the headline increased the click-through rate by 9%.

Buzzfeed and Upworthy are two authority sites that generate millions of visitors monthly, largely on the basis of their great headlines.

Headlines fail when they don’t match the article written or aren’t relevant to a specific theme. (Also, when the length exceeds 62 characters, search engines tend to ignore the remainder of the headline. This could decrease the conversion rate in the long run and decrease the search engine appeal you’re after.)

While a headline analyzer can be a nifty and fantastic tool, these top headline writing tips will allow you to start assessing your headlines critically so that you can take them from passable to absolutely potent.

Let’s get started.

Step #1:  Use specific numbers & data in your headline

The headline accounts for up to 50% of your blog post’s effectiveness. If you fail to make it powerful and clickable, every other marketing step that you take will be a total waste of time.

Integrating specific numbers and data into your headline is an effective way to make your headlines more enticing to readers. Several research studies have shown that headlines with numbers tend to generate 73% more social shares and engagement.

According to Debra Jason, one of the reasons why using numbers works in headlines is because numbers are like “brain candy.” In other words, the brain is receptive to numbers.

It’s very important to understand the science behind odd numbers. Often, you find viral blog posts with odd numbers in the headlines and you may have wondered why the authors didn’t use even numbers in their list post. Here are typical examples, from

According to Content Marketing Institute, the brain seems to believe odd numbers more than even numbers. Odd numbers also seem to help people digest and recall information more easily.

And, what’s more, when a headline was tweaked to include the odd number 7, click-through rates increased by 20%.

Ideally, instead of using the word “seven,” you should replace it with the numeral “7,” in headlines. So, instead of writing “Seven Steps To Start A Home Business,” use “7 Steps To Start a Home-Based Business.”

Note: If you’re writing a step-by-step guide, don’t include more than nine steps, because the human brain typically finds it difficult to process more than nine items at a time. However, if you’re writing about tools or different ways to do a thing, there is no limit to the number you can use.

Headlines with even numbers also perform well. Sometimes, even numbers outperform odd numbers, especially when the marketer or author actively promotes the content.

Here are some examples of successful headlines with odd numbers:

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Step #2:  Utilize a unique rationale

I’ve used unique rationales to write great headlines (if I say so myself) that went viral. The word “rationale” simply means “an underlying reason why something should be done.” If you want people to read your content, do you have a good reason that they should?

89% of blog posts get less than 100 shares. To avoid wasting time on content, give people a strong reason why they should click, read and share your content.

Some of the rationales that you can include in your headlines are:

Here are examples:

Step #3:  Call for attention

The purpose of the headline is to get your viewer to read the first sentence. Every headline should call for attention. “Attention” simply means mental focus and serious concentration on a given task.

Keep in mind that your customers are human beings with several things vying for their attention. Unfortunately, people’s attention spans have been decreasing every single year. According to Statistica, a person’s attention span is 8.25 seconds.

Social sharing is a lot easier, when your visitors are engaged on your site. A survey by AddThis showed that, in Q1 of 2014, Facebook sharing accounted for 26% of all share activity.

If you’re a small business owner, one of the ways to acquire and retain customers is by engaging them with great content. And, great content starts with a headline that captures your reader’s attention.

You’ve got to convince your customers and prospects to keep reading. The headline can build that momentum for you.

So, instead of putting all your time and energy into getting email subscribers and making sales, start focusing on using headlines to get people to read the first sentence.

That’s actually the headline’s true purpose. If you accomplish that goal, the introduction, the subtitles, the bullet points and the storytelling will take care of the rest and convert the reader into a customer.

Before I show you some simple ways to write headlines that will call for attention, here are four rules to follow. They’re considered the “4 U’s” of writing attention-driven headlines:

The four U’s are:

a).  Unique headlines: A blogger friend of mine once told me that anytime he finds a compelling headline while reading, he will tweak it and make it unique for his audience.

“Unique” means being “one of a kind.” In other words, your headline has to be different from others.

But, how do you test for uniqueness?

Simple: plug it into Google and enclose the headline in double quotation marks. Here’s an example:

Note: You’ve got to use the double quotation marks, in order to get the exact result that you want. In the above Google search results, the headline has “no results founds.”

Of course, thousands of people may be targeting the same keyword (conversion rate optimization), but your goal is to write a headline that no one else has.

One blog that understands the usefulness of unique headlines is KISSmetrics. They generate lots of social shares.  Since readers can’t find similar content of the same quality (with the same headline), they’d rather share this one with others.

b).   Ultra-specific headlines: The second rule for writing a headline that calls for attention is: be ultra-specific. According to The New York Times, lack of focus, vision and planning is one of the reasons why 33% of small businesses fail.

Your content’s headline drives every piece that you put out there, no matter what format or platform you use to publish it.

Your prospects have questions and they want answers. If you can provide them with an ultra-specific headline and the answer to their questions, you can convert them into loyal readers and customers.

The more precise you can be, the more authority you’ll command in your industry and the easier you’ll find it to build a strong connection with customers.

There are times when you might want to mask the content’s real purpose from your target audience and use click triggers, such as power words and strong adjectives in your headline.

There’s nothing wrong with this, exactly. However, headlines that are ultra-specific give the reader a sense of what they should expect, when they click to read the content.

Whether you’re an established content marketer or a beginner, you need to set specific and realistic objectives. Don’t confuse your readers with your headline. Avoid vagueness. Get straight to the point.

If you’re sharing five steps to achieve something, go ahead and make it known in the headline. This is another reason why you need to choose your niche carefully.

Unless your blog is about “everything technology,” you don’t have to write headlines on different topics the way Mashable and TechCrunch do.

Know your audience and write headlines that will meet their needs.

So, how do you write such ultra-specific headlines?

Let’s assume that your target keyword is “small business plan.” Here are specific headline variations that would work:

Do you see how specific the above headlines are? The bolded portions contain phrases that make the entire headline ultra-specific (directed at something). Admittedly, they may not be unique – it’s very difficult to achieve both uniqueness and specificity in a single headline.

Steve Kamb, of, writes specific headlines about meals that help you stay fit and healthy.

I’ve studied Peep Laja’s headline styles for a long time, as well. He uses only specific titles that help his conversion rate optimization community. Here’s an example:

c).   It should convey a sense of urgency: In a recent post, Derek Christian, founder of Cleaning Business Today, said that “effective marketing boils down to creating a fear of losing out on an amazing deal.”

This was exactly what Michael Hyatt explained with his “Urgency Wheel.”

Unless you infuse your headline with urgency, your readers are likely to put off reading your content or possibly bookmark it and never come back to it again. The purpose is to get readers to click your headline now.

In BigThink’s recent interview, Carol Sawdye shares an emotional experience of how she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease at the age of 25. She became more active in the pursuit of her career goals.

Being told that she had a 50% chance of seeing age 30 propelled her to reconsider how to live a fulfilled life.

Your own case may not be health-related, but we’re all in the same boat. Everybody is looking for the propelling force that will nudge them to do something right now and not put it off until tomorrow or next year. That’s what urgency does, when you use it in your headline writing.

A sense of urgency is not only applicable to content marketing. It cuts across your personal life and productivity as well. Hyatt simplifies it further:

Copywriters usually improve conversion rates, when they strategically use a sense of urgency in their copy. Potential customers tend to respond quickly, because their psychology is wired to persuade them to buy based on emotions, but to justify that decision based on logic.

Scarcity and urgency are two powerful copy elements that usually go together to produce outstanding results. I first came across the model at WiderFunnel and I still use it today.

Ecommerce sites use urgency and scarcity a lot. This is how Amazon uses both elements, to sell more physical products, especially in the electronics and gadgets category:

Urgency-based headlines will always grab attention, because it makes the reader anticipate what comes next. Consider Upworthy’s well-known headlines:

Ideally, you want to tailor your message, based on where your customers are in the decision process.

They’re not going to ignore your headline, because they don’t want to miss out on what’s on the other side of the headline, once it’s clicked. The only way that they can find out is to click and read.

If you’ve been following Spencer Haw’s authority site project, you’ve probably noticed how his updates use urgency in the headline, in order to get more clicks and engagement.

Ramsay Taplin uses the same strategy to write his headlines, especially lately. Here’s a typical example:

If you’re an author and you want to coach other people to become great at writing, then these urgency-infused headlines will do:

d).  Your headline has to be useful: The last rule that you should definitely follow, if you want your headlines to grab attention and get the job done is to make them useful. The above three rules – uniqueness, ultra-specific and urgency – all correlate with usefulness.

If your headline and content isn’t useful, no matter how much urgency you employ, it’ll fail. In fact, there is no way to write a specific and unique piece of content, without it being useful at the same time.

Useful can mean several things – practical, helpful, valuable, informative, worthwhile, beneficial, advantageous and so on. The bottom line is to help the readers experience hope, knowing that their problem can still be solved.

There is no doubt that following the 4U’s will help you build a blog that generates over 100,000 monthly blog readers within 2 years.

Don’t forget to include plenty of data in your blog posts, capture screenshots and write in-depth posts, because studies show that content length affects search rankings and conversions.

My recent headline is useful. It says:

Why Do Sites Rank High on Google When They Aren’t Optimized?

The reader perceives that the post is about to reveal some secrets, namely about sites that rank in Google without having lots of inbound links and authority. Though the headline is question-based, it gives people a certain expectation and they want to click, to see the reason “why.”

Consequently, the post generated a combined 1,500 Facebook, Twitter and Google+ shares, in less than 14 days.’s latest posts are also full of useful headlines, which have generated thousands of social shares, as well. See the screenshot below:

Michael Stelzner, of, doesn’t like to go overboard with his headlines. Instead, he uses a simple and clear approach, to make the headline useful. His social shares usually exceed 2,000, outperforming several other sites. Here’s one of his latest posts:


Now that you understand the 4U’s of writing attention-grabbing headlines, let’s look at the various ways to write powerful headlines that will generate qualified clicks and leads for your business.

1).    State the obvious in your headline: Write headlines that are easy to understand. The moment a potential reader stumbles on your web page from anywhere, they won’t need any help to figure out what you’re talking about.

I have to point out here that most headlines with a sense of urgency usually lack clarity of purpose. The purpose of the headline is to get people to click, so that you can earn a better ROI. The purpose is not to appear clever or educated.

Another way to confuse readers is to use words and phrases that aren’t common. Readers don’t want to know which university you attended or your academic status – unless you run an educational blog, of course.

Instead, demonstrate your cleverness through your ability to explain complicated issues and make them simpler for the ordinary person.

Use simple words to express yourself and convey your message. If your readers are hungry for useful information, don’t ask if they’re famished. Both words mean the same thing. But, one is more commonly used than the other.

Examples of confusing headlines that you should avoid are:

Sure, you’ve got to raise the bar in your content.  But, always use common words and adjectives that people can relate to. That’s how you can encourage fellow internet marketers, content marketers and bloggers to share your content, especially on LinkedIn.

Now take a look at the screenshot below. You’ll notice that this article appears in the Harvard Business Review, but the headline is a bit confusing. Let’s see if we can make it better:

Quick problem: The above headline could be written much more clearly. Let’s do it:

A typical landing page headline, with both clarity and simplicity, is this one, from

Digital Photography School, a popular content-rich site that was founded by Darren Rowse, has some clear and clickable headlines. Even though the photography niche/industry has some technical terms, the authors ensure they don’t confuse readers.

2).   Use interesting adjectives: Adjectives are important in both spoken and written English language.

The adjective, you’ll remember, is the part of speech that describes or qualifies a noun or pronoun in a given sentence. For example, “the happy couple”:

As a content writer, you can use adjectives to give your headline a boost and make it super-attractive to your audience’s needs.

Jeff Goins provided some examples of interesting adjectives that you can use to create your headline:

Here are some headline examples that use the adjectives:

Fun headline:

“Incredible” headline, at

And, here is the “free” headline:

3).   Flag the reader in your headline: Dan Kennedy once introduced the “flagging technique” and it’s a powerful way to write headlines for both copy and blog posts. You already know one of the basic techniques, which involves addressing the readers as “you.”

Personally, I use “you” in a lot of my headlines. And, what I discovered is that for every headline that contains ‘you,’ the engagement is usually very high. Not only that, but social shares exceed 700, for the majority of them. The word “you” connects and captivate your readers, on a personal level.

Since the majority of your competitors are also using content to reach and attract customers, you’ve got to reach your prospects on their level, whether you’re a B2B or B2C marketer.

A statistic, shared by MarketingLand, shows that 86% of B2B marketers make use of content marketing, but only 38% believe that they’ve got the required skills to be good at it.

But, beyond that, address your readers and write headlines specifically for them. I’ve used this approach several times and it works. Here are examples:

Missy Ward understands how to flag the reader in her headlines. She goes even deeper, by targeting states and cities:

4).   Use emotional words: All words are not created equal. Some words have the power to prompt change, while others simply reaffirm the status quo. Some words can make people cry, while others can evoke joy.

Emotionally impactful words are popularly referred to as “power words.” Here are some emotional power words that you can use to give your readers a pep talk and spur them into action:

Here are a few examples of unique headlines that use some of the power words:

Note: You can use one or more power words in your headline.  But, make sure that they’re useful for the user and read naturally, so you don’t get a Google penalty. For example, Glen Long used 4 power words, in his latest post at Boost Blog Traffic.

Of course, there are people who use emotional words in the wrong way – to deceive and manipulate consumers – but that’s not what we’re trying to do here.

Your purpose is to use power words in the right manner – to increase the conversion rate for your emails, blog posts, copy and adverts. Words have power, so use them wisely.

In his flagship book, Empathic Marketing: How to Satisfy the 6 Core Emotional Needs of Your Customers, Mark Ingwer said that only through understanding the reason why customers buy, can you grow your business and develop loyal customers.

Appealing to your customer’s emotions will increase your sales and social shares in a significant manner.

Customers are human beings, with all of the qualities that make them human – they’re not the numbers you see on your sales dashboard.

Once you understand that, you’ll quit pushing sales messages to them all of the time.  Focus on answering their questions. Legit marketing is about building relationships, not chasing customers away.

Your prospect’s brain is hard-wired to repel any message that’s not clear and realistic. But, as you begin to appeal to people emotionally, they’ll be more likely to trust you.

Step #4: Use headline formulas

What makes a headline good is its structure – aka “the formula.” Every authority blogger and content marketer has one or more formulas for writing headlines.

I have mine and, sometimes, I tweak and test different headlines, before deciding which one works best. When using formulas, make sure to include power words that will get people to buy your product or join your waiting list.

Some bloggers prefer to write their content first, before crafting the headline. I don’t do that. However, there is no hard and fast rule. What works for me may not be the right approach for you.

We’ve addressed some ways to write a powerful headline. But, I also love the way that Bronn outlines a simple approach to make your headlines stand out, using the acronym “SHINE“:

To make it easier for you, consider adopting the headline formula used by many fitness experts. They first identify the problem, then offer a solution and then make a promise.

John Caples’ headline formulas also include these three components. Here’s another example:

Lars Lofgren advises that you:

1).  “Little known ways” formula: How many times have you used this formula to write a catchy headline? Each of the words in the formula is emotionally driven. These types of headlines usually pop into people’s minds, even well after they’ve seen them.

People like simplicity and appreciate when little things build up to something significant. Big Data is the by-product of little data, collected over time, eventually becoming a giant database of data.

Interestingly, I just discovered that the “little known ways [put your solution here]” formula is typically a social magnet. In other words, thousands of people like and share the post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and even Google+.

Let’s quickly take a look. Go to Plug your formula phrase (i.e. little known ways to) into the search box. Then search for it. Here are the results:

If your industry is photography, here are fresh headlines. Of course, use the samples to align with your target audience, if you’re in a different niche:

Here are a few headlines for digital marketers:

2).    “Get rid of [problem] once and for all” formula: Who wouldn’t want to permanently get rid of an annoying problem that they’re faced with on a daily basis? When you write your headlines with this strategy in mind, you’ll captivate your audience from start to finish, because they want to know the secret, too.

This headline formula is mostly applicable in the health industry, where people are looking to treat, cure, remedy or alleviate a physical problem – e.g., acne, skin scars, high blood pressure, eczema, bad breath, etc.

This is quite similar to the formula introduced by Sherice Jacob, known as “How to Survive Your First [put the topic here].” Headlines that promise to help the reader get rid of a particular problem will persuade the reader to take three steps:

Even though the “Get rid of” headline formula is mostly used in healthcare niches, you can reverse-engineer it and still use it in online marketing topics, such as blogging, CRO, affiliate marketing, self-publishing, SEO, social media, web traffic and so on.

Here are examples:

The “get rid of” headline formula usually goes viral, when promoted strategically by the author. Some examples have generated over 370,000 social shares, in the past 12 months:

3).   “Who else wants” formula: This headline style works, because it asks a question and the right question usually generates the right answer. I’m currently using this format on my landing page and it’s converting very well.

I didn’t begin with “Who else wants…”, but, nonetheless, question-based headlines are strong inspirations for readers.

It brings them into the discussion and makes them feel comfortable. Copywriters ask several questions in their copy, just to get the targeted customer to pause and consider the product – the same principles apply to headlines, too.

Just like finding and sharing timely content and including at least one image in your post, simply asking the right question can increase your social shares and engagement level.

Here are some examples of the “Who else wants” headline formula:

Some of the headlines that you can tweak, to appeal to your target audience are:

Strategy #5: Measure your headline success

People love to share articles that are lengthy (usually 2000+ words). But, as a smart marketer, you wouldn’t simply assume that longer posts would work for you. The best way to make your own decision is to write a similar, in-depth article and see how it goes.

What’s the benefit of using a headline formula or rule that doesn’t produce results for you?

For this very reason, you’ve got to measure your headline success. You want to make sure that your time isn’t wasted – or your money, if you hired a professional to write the content.

Some of the metrics that you should focus on are:

i).   Client/customer inquiries: Within a period of 2 – 3 months, did your content generate any client inquiries? It doesn’t have to be much.  But, the very fact that you got a handful of clients is a sure signal that your headline style is working. All you’ve got to do is just optimize and improve it.

You need to figure out which content is driving the most leads for your business. Once you can pinpoint that, you’re on your way to improving conversions, because you’re operating from a state of certainty.

Oren International increased lead generation by 83%, within the first 6 months of updating their online presence with fresh content and creating a content marketing plan.

ii).   Social media shares: For each headline formula above, I showed you examples and how many social shares each of them had generated.

You’ve got to monitor the number of Facebook shares and likes, tweets, LinkedIn shares and Pinterest pins. Making social sharing buttons visible can increase sharing by 7x, especially when the post is useful.

Another thing that you may want to measure is the amount of inbound links that you generate through your powerful headlines and content.

Editorial links are the best kinds of links to get, because you don’t ask for them.  And, they mainly appear within content, thus passing significant SEO value to your web pages and improving your search rankings.

Finally, you may also want to measure comments. It’s optional – and indeed, a lot of content marketers and bloggers have removed the comment box. Brian Clark, founder of Copyblogger, did so, as did Chris Brogan.

But, my opinion is that if a piece of content generates more comments than other posts you’ve written, it means you did something better – maybe with your headline, promotion or strategy. You’ve got to figure out what’s delivering success.


With new and emerging content marketing strategies emerging everyday, it’s becoming difficult to focus on what works. This is why smart digital marketers are disciplined. They understand the importance of great content and whether it generates search traffic and leads.

It’s a given that the headline is an integral element of your content, no matter what format the content may take. But, the introduction, subtitles, bullet points, and call to action are all equally important.

Your overall focus should be to educate prospects and customers, by teaching them new things. It’s not enough that they click your headline. They need to read the information you’ve provided them in the body of your content, as well.

The best approach is to use storytelling and data-driven content to build your authority, while solving their problem. Above all, be consistent and keep learning new ways to turn a good headline into a catchy headline that begs to shared.

Do you have any other headline writing tips? What’s been most helpful for you in producing great headlines? 

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