The Wonderful World Of Quora

Quora, the social Q&A platform, is beginning to get its sea legs. There are so many ways to use Quora, well beyond just asking and answering questions. Some people like to answer and ask questions. Others like to vote on answers or neatly file similar questions into “topics.”

Still others bypass the Q&A platform and use Quora to private message other users who often have similar interests. We’ve created this infographic with the help of Semil Shah, who is a very active user and fan of Quora.

There are also companies developing software solutions such as QuestionsPro, which help marketers streamline lead generation from Quora.

How do you fit into the Quora world? infographic statistics to tweet:

  • 20. The current number of Quora employees. »tweet«
  • 5. The number of Quora users who’ve answered more than 1000 questions (as of 2/2011). »tweet«
  • As of 3/2011, Quora has raised $11 million in funding, valuing the company at $86 million. »tweet«
  • 160,000. The estimated number of monthly active Quora users as of 1/2011. »tweet«
  • Quora experienced an estimated 150% growth between 12/10 and 1/11. »tweet«
  • Between January 2010 and January 2011, Quora grew an estimated 37,000% in registered users. »tweet«
