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50 Inspiring Quotes from 50 Top Social Media Power Influencers

In case you missed it, Haydn Shaughnessy (Forbes Contributor) put together an epic list in April, labeled, “The Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers, 2013.” The list has received over 10,000 shares across social channels and 92,000 page views (and still counting). While some have pointed out the criteria for determining who is “influential” can be slightly ambiguous, we can safely agree on their respective success.

Powerful social media influencers have mastered the long-preached art of quality content. Virtually any person or group can reap social capital with the right content at the right time – no matter how “difficult” the industry seems. For example, a UK based plumbing company; Martin Smith created an infographic chronicling the history of plumbing! If plumbing companies can be social media savvy, why not recovery centers? Just recently the rehab center 12 Palms created a video-infographic about the prescription drug epidemic, pulling in nearly 1,000 shares! You get the point.

With diverse organizations and leaders taking advantage of social media, I figured what better opportunity to learn than from content acumen of the top 50.

Thus, I plunged into the archives of each influencer, with the goal of highlighting inspiring and motivational quotes of real value. I tried to keep the theme on social media/marketing; however, some overlap into philosophy. Some are finite and blunt, while others are general and overarching. Collectively, they provide invaluable insight.

Hopefully they will, at the very least, make us think a smidge differently about achieving our career (and life) goals.

1. Sean Gardner (@2morrowknight) Social media is not just an activity; it is an investment of valuable time and resources. Surround yourself with people who not just support you and stay with you, but inform your thinking about ways to WOW your online presence”

2. Ann Tran (@anntran_) “Humility, gentleness, and helpfulness go so much further and open doors you cannot imagine. Think from a higher level and try to see beyond today. Some hard work and insight will bring you to paths that will reward you so highly, it’ll make the little inconvenience you incurred so worth it.”

3. Jessica Northey (@jessicanorthey) “In Social Media the “squeaky wheel” gets the oil. You have to put yourself out there, to find people who will relate or even debate with you, depending on what you are looking for.”

4. Mari Smith (@marismith) “We must develop a thick skin. With an unshakeable sense of self – and a commitment to being compassionate – nothing will faze you.”

5. Aaron Lee (@askaaronlee) “These days, social media waits for no one. If you’re LATE for the party, you’ll probably be covered by all the noise and you might not be able to get your voice across. It could only mean that if you want to be heard by the crowd, you have to be fast; and on social media, that means you have to be REALLY fast.”

6. John Paul Aguiar. (@johnaguiar) “Nothing BIG will happen in your life, until you build off of the many SMALL things”

7. Liz Strauss (@lizstrauss) “No matter the stress, the unkindness, the joy, the boredom, the hurry — one look at the sky and life again has perspective and meaning.”

8. Warren Whitlock (@warrenwhitlock) “My goal is to spark something within the reader and allow it to initiate an idea they then can grow.”

9. Ted Coine (@tedcoine) “Change is the result of insurmountable market pressure”

10. Pam Moore (@pammktgnut) “You can never go wrong by investing in communities and the human beings within them.”

11. Jeff Bullas (@jeffbullas) “Never underestimate the vital importance of finding early in life the work that for you is play. This turns possible underachievers into happy warriors.”

12. Renee Blodgett. (@magicsaucemedia) “We look down upon wisdom that might help elevate ourselves and our sense of humanity but praise things that help our skills and ability to accomplish and succeed.”

13. Ted Rubin (@tedrubin) “Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth”

14. Eve Mayer (@linkedinqueen) “Stop putting everyone else first. Put yourself first. And go for it.”

15. Glen Gilmore (@glengilmore) “When you lose followers because of where you stand – you strengthen you tribe.”

16. Paul Barron. (@paulbarron) “I use social media as an idea generator, trend mapper and strategic compass for all of our online business ventures.”

17. Dan Schawbel (@danschawbel) “What makes you weird, makes you unique and therefore makes you stand out.”

18. Kim Garst (@kimgarst) “Legendary service is one of the criteria that sets one company apart from its competitors. It’s the mark of a truly authentic company – you just can’t fake caring!”

19. Lori Ruff. (@loriruff) “Social media is here. It’s not going away; not a passing fad. Be where your customers are: in social media.”

20. Ann Handley. (@marketingprofs) “Good content always has an objective; it’s created with intent. It therefore carries triggers to action.”

21. Chris Brogan. (@chrisbrogan) “Don’t settle: Don’t finish crappy books. If you don’t like the menu, leave the restaurant. If you’re not on the right path, get off it.”

22. Gary Vaynerchuck. (@garyvee) “Love your family, work super hard, live your passion.”

23. Chris Voss. (@ChrisVoss) “What your mind envisions – so your live will surely sow.”

24. Pam Dyer. (@pamdyer) Social media is inherently a selfish medium.”

25. Laura Fitton (@pistachio) “Everyone starts out with nobody listening to them and nobody to listen to. How and who you add determines what Twitter will become for you.”

26. Calvin Lee (@mayhemstudios) “Be genuine. Be nice. Know your audience. Articles on web design, color, inspiration and basics of design really help them. Novice articles are the best — my audience doesn’t benefit from intermediate or advanced design topics.”

27. Jessica Merrill (@blogging4jobs) “Today, you want to regain the momentum you lost, wind up and take off down the path of prosperity and growth.”

28. Bonnie Sainsbury (@bsainsbury) “Social media will help you build up loyalty of your current customers to the point that they will willingly, and for free, tell others about you.”

29. Jonathan Naferrete (@jonathan360) “It is unacceptable to just download a picture and upload the picture as a pin with no credit given.”

30. Lilach Bullock (@Lilachbullock) “Do not write BS if you don’t know what to write! It’s as simple as that.”

31. Steve Farnsworth (@steveology) “Trustworthy content has a balanced point of view. It asks and answers the right questions. It doesn’t love itself. It tries to inform and educate.”

32. Deborah Lee (@debsylee) “The importance of gratitude is never forgotten.”

33. Neal Schaffer (@nealschaffer) “The overarching problem is that everyone sees and uses social media from a different perspective.”

34. Mike O’Neil (@mikeoneilrocks) “If you don’t start in the right spot, you are going to lose the game before you even get started.”

35. Jay Oatway (@jayoatway) “When we are sharing stories to create bonds with other like-minded people, we want to give them social currency with the highest pass-on value we can.”

36. Jeff Barrett (@barrettall) Companies are looking to be quicker with content, provide faster approval and be able to capitalize on the conversation and content of the moment.”

37. Scott Stratten (@unmarketing) “Too often, feeling intimidated becomes our excuse not to be awesome.”

38. Marsha Collier (@Marshacollier) “Content-based marketing gets repeated in social media and increases word-of-mouth mentions; it’s the best way to gather buzz about a product.”

39. Lori Taylor (@lorirtaylor) “Going viral is not an outcome; it’s a happening. Sometimes it happens; sometimes it doesn’t. Just remember, fans are vanity and sales are sanity.”

40. Viveka vonRosen (@LinkedInExpert) “LinkedIn is a channel to increase, not a tool to replace, your networking efforts, and it is an excellent vehicle to facilitate some facets of your marketing and business strategies.”

41. Yacine Baroudi (@yacinebaroudi) “Our digital future is about enabling better productivity and decisions making to enjoy a better quality of life.”

42. Sandi Krakowski (@sandikrakowski) Lead people with what they want. – Lead with what they’ve already said. – Lead people from where they’re at. – Lead them with the things that concern them.”

43. Susan Cooper (@buzzedition) “Engage, Enlighten, Encourage and especially…just be yourself! Social media is a community effort, everyone is an asset.”

44. Christine Korda (@christinekorda) “This is a learning process and sometimes you have to fall in order to learn things.”

45. Don Crowther (@don_crowther) “People want to do business with you because you help them get what they want. They don’t do business with you to help you get what you want.”

46. Dede Watson (@Dede_watson) “If you love what you do and have a sincere interest in those individuals that you meet along the journey, then not only will you benefit by your own efforts, but those you surround yourself with will be blessed with your knowledge and friendship”

47. Erik Qualman (@equalman) “Successful companies in social media function more like entertainment companies, publishers, or party planners than as traditional advertisers.”

48. Michael Hyatt (@michaelhyatt) “Most of us have experienced wow moments. We just haven’t taken time to think deeply about them.”

49. Darren Rowse (@problogger) Consistently investigate what gives other people energy. Be the fan that fuels it.”

50. Christopher Penn (@cspenn) Find your spirit, and no challenge will keep you from achieving your goals.”

What are your favorite quotes from the top 50 social media influencers? Do you have an additional or relevant quote to add? Feel free to share in the comments.


About the Author: Written by Jesse Aaron. Jesse is a community manager at WebpageFX and writes on a variety of topics on his blog Mashbout.

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